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来源:本站 作者:管理员 日期:2020/2/4 16:56:40

The mystery of explosion爆炸之谜

In 1900, archaeologists excavated and found the remains of an ancient Indian city two or three thousand years ago in the mohenzo Daro region of India. Archaeology found that the ancient city of the millennium was the representative of the world's high civilization at that time. But the prosperous city was destroyed overnight, and all the residents died in an instant.

Archaeologists tried to explain the destruction of the ancient city with various theories. If the ancient city has suffered natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes, there will be a large number of animal remains, but no large number of animal remains have been found. At the same time, there was no sign of war killing and destroying the city. Two or three thousand years ago, the city apparently suffered some unprecedented explosion, which was very short and powerful, leading to the dust of the city and the vast majority of its residents.

Scientists davyneport and Vincent have come up with an amazing idea that the city of two or three thousand years ago was destroyed by a nuclear bomb explosion. They found clay and green crystals in the soil layer, which archaeologists suspect is evidence of high temperature. It is reported that in the desert area of Nevada, each time a nuclear bomb is tested, special green crystals will appear in the soil. At the same time, other archaeologists have found that the remains of a thousand year old Indian city prove that the city's buildings have been melted by a high temperature, which is no less than 1500 ℃. Investigators found in the hot center that all buildings were flattened and melted in an instant. The damage to the outskirts of the city is relatively small. At the same time, scientists found that the radiation of the only remaining dozens of parafauna and human skeletons in the city exceeded 50 times of the general standard. Myths and legends confirm the archaeological results.

The mysterious demise of the ancient city in mohenzo Daro area makes scientists have great doubts. The relevant records of Mahabharata can bring some clues to archaeologists. This ancient Indian cultural epic records a mysterious and powerful weapon. The chapters in the book depict the shape of the shell as it is today. When it explodes, there is only fire and no smoke. When the shell landed on the ground, black clouds covered the sky. The powerful explosion wiped out thousands of residents and livestock.

1900年,考古学家在印度 摩亨佐·达罗地区挖掘发现一个二三千年前印度古城遗迹。考古发现,这个千年古城是当时世界上高度文明的代表。但是繁荣的城市却在一夜之间毁灭,城中居民瞬间全部死亡。


科学家达维内波特和文森特提出一个令人惊异的观点,认为这座二三千年前的城市毁灭于一次核弹爆炸。他们发现土层中含有粘土和绿色晶体,考古学家猜测这是土壤遭受高温遗留的证据。据悉在美国 内华达州沙漠地区每次进行 核弹试验时,土壤也会出现特殊的绿色晶体。同时,其他考古学家发现,千年 古印度城市遗留下来的残骸证明, 城市建筑被一场高温熔化,并且这个温度不低于1500度。调查者在高温中心发现,所有建筑都是瞬间夷平、熔化的。 城市郊区遭到的破坏相对较小。同时科学家发现,城市惟一残存的几十副动物和人类骨架中, 辐射超过一般标准的50倍。神话传说印证考古结果。

摩亨佐·达罗地区古城神秘消亡使科学家产生极大的疑团,《 摩诃婆罗多》的相关记载可以为考古学家带来一些线索。这部 古印度文化史诗记录一种神秘的威力强大的武器。书中章节描绘其外形像现今的炮弹,爆炸时只有火光没有烟雾。当炮弹落在地面时,顿时黑云遮盖天空。威力十足的爆炸将数以千计的居民和家畜化为乌有。
